Sunday, June 29, 2008

Who knew??

So much to catch up on! I've probably lost about half my readers by now. Unless you're doing an RSS feed, you won't know I'm updating the blog .. unless I send out an email to that effect. But that kind of defeats the purpose, doesn't it?

Let me explain why I've been so negligent. We have started working. The first month was so sweet .. no real worries, not a lot to do. HAH I have worked 3 straight weeks of 10 to 12 hour days -- which we were expecting, but it's one thing to talk about it and another thing to live through it. Poor Carlos had it even worse. We had a software program that wasn't working properly so he and Scott had one night that they got maybe 2 or 3 hours sleep. Sure glad *I'm* not the Avaya engineer!!

I'll have to backtrack through the next several postings but I'm sure I've forgotten a lot of what I wanted to tell you. I actually "talk" to you in my head, I just don't get it all down on 'paper'.

Gary finally got moved up here and since they wouldn't let us put him on the lease until he was actually here, he made an appointment with the office for the 3 of us to go in and sign a new lease. The first night, we were too late (I think I was the one who got home too late) and the office was closed. So we went back the next night. Keep in mind I'm having to run home from work, get this done, and run back. The second night the girls there didn't know what we were talking about! They pulled out his file and said, Oh, we still have to run your credit check, can you come back. *sigh* The 3rd time we go back, this sweet young girl says very meekly, "uh, Mr. Davis, we have some personal information". So, Carol and I wander into the reception area and hang out while they talk to Gary. About 6 minutes later he comes in and says GUESS WHAT! I'M A CRIMINAL! Seems they found a Gary Davis who had been convicted of manslaughter and battery back in Indiana. Huh. I told Chai (pronounced Shay) that really -- something like this ... they should tell US! She looked at me very sweetly and said "I don't think legally I'm allowed to tell you!"

We now introduce Gary as "our roommate, Gary, the mass murderer". Needless to say, further research showed that he was NOT the same Gary Davis. We jokingly told him that when we go back to sign the lease, if there are a lot of cop cars around, keep walking. And if they pick him up, he will be assured of a roof over his head, regular meals and clothing will be provided! We went back one more time, got the lease signed and it's all good.

Hey! I just heard thunder!!! It has been flippin' hot the past few days (trust me .. 90 here is HOT, especially on the 3rd floor) and it's just starting to cool down. Even though right now at 7:16 pm we are 10 degrees hotter than Dublin (74 there, 84 here) It started getting overcast this afternoon and someone said it will cool down later this week.

I got my A/C just in time. I bought a small window unit but it was too heavy for me to lift into the cart so last Thursday or Friday (the days just melt into one another) Gary went to Costco with me and loaded it into the cart and then carried it upstairs for me. We were both too tired to do anything with it that night .. must have been Friday .. and he had to work Saturday, but I didn't. I decided to see how much of it I could put together and I managed to get it all put together and into the window all by myself! TA DA. The funny thing is, after we left for Costco, Carol saw a commercial (probably for car insurance) where a guy is putting one of these in his window and he drops it out the window and it lands on his car. She had said to me just a few days earlier, aren't you afraid you might drop it on your car? I park in the driveway and it's right below my window -- two stories down. Very funny.

I have it set on 80 and it runs quite a bit! It's on energy saver so it cycles off for 10 minutes and sometimes it stays off longer than that, but the difference between the temp in my room and temp in the hallway is amazing! It has to be at least 20 degrees difference. I was dieing up here the last time the temp's were in the 90's. Everyone said it's only a few days a year, but I told them if I only use this thing 3 days a year, it will be worth every flippin' penny. I don't sleep well in a sauna.

Oh, look! It's raining BIG drops! Too funny. My A/C is going full blast and it's raining out. I'm going to turn it off so I can open the window (the OTHER window!) I love to listen to the rain and smell the air. Good thing my car is in the garage; I just washed my windows and this rain is just enough to make them dirty.

Somebody has music really cranked up. I wonder if something is going on at the park or the pool?? They said sometime in August there will be a big fair across the street with booths and everything. Something new the merchants at the mall are trying. There will be wine tasting too. Carol's all excited .. she loves wine and we live just across the street! No designated driver needed. LOL

This music is way too loud. I can't hear the rain. Dang it.

Tami and I went to breakfast this morning. She took me to Elmer's. What a menu! I'll have to go back several times just to try all the different things that sound good. Today I had potato pancakes with bacon and eggs. Yum! Friday night Adrian treated Peggy, Carlos and I to dinner. We ate at the Farmhouse and it was pretty good too. (Peggy is me in Austin and she's here to help out for two weeks. Thank goodness!!) I had a classic reuben and it was yummy. With all this eating out that we've been doing .. and working these hours we tend to just grab a bite to eat .. I've still managed to maintain my 26 lb loss. It ain't easy, let me tell you! I'll be glad when everything settles down and we can start eating regularly.

It's starting to rain harder now .. oops, more thunder .. and a group of boys in their shirtsleeves just walked by bouncing a basketball. Act like it's a bright, sunny day.

My good news for today is I bought a mattress!! A real one! YAY I went to Sleep Country USA and they were really nice. I was ready to buy one but they don't make it in full size. Only queen or king. My room is MUCH too small for that. So I another level down but it's just as comfortable, nice cushy top, just no cashmere in the mattress cover. I'm sure there are a few other items not present but it feels hecka comfie. Told me I have 109 days to decide if I really like it (I was debating between this one and another one) and if not, I can exchange with no charge. Cool. He quoted me a price and I asked about financing .. then he said if they have it in overstock he can save me some money. They did and I saved $800. COOL! So my mattress, boxspring, mattress cover (I bought 2 because the 2nd one is 1/2 price) and frame were all less than the original price he quoted. The best part is that delivery is only $25, they set it up and remove all the packing materials (I warned them I'm on the 3rd floor) and there's NO sales tax!! Another savings! It will be delivered next Saturday. How cool is that. Now I'll have my Aerobed available for company. Queen-size, pretty comfy! Come on up!!

Ok. I've rambled long enough. I need to work on a spreadsheet for work and another spreadsheet for our group finances. It's almost time to pay the rent again and we all need to know how much to throw in the pot. Thanks for listening and stay tuned for more.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Still here

I've not forgotten you and I've not given up on blogging. I've been working 12-14 hour days and just have no time! Lots to catch up on and I'll get to you as soon as I can .. hang in there ...