Thursday, November 10, 2011

It has been a long time since I've posted anything, but as I'm now down to my last 7 working months in Oregon it seems fitting that I start blogging again.  Winding up the adventure, so to speak.

The past 3 years have been eventful -- my cancer scare and hysterectomy 2 years ago (has it really been that long?), my emergency appendectomy this September (do I see a surgical pattern here?  surgery every 2 years?) and sadly the death of my friend and co-worker, Peggy Lyle from lung and bone cancer.

Yesterday was Peggy's funeral service.   I'm sure a great number of people from the Austin ServicePoint attended.  It's still so hard to comprehend that Peggy's gone!  She was diagnosed in August with lung cancer when she thought she had a really bad case of bronchitis that she just couldn't shake.  From August to November 5.  Such a short period of time.  No time really to get used to the idea that she might leave us.  Only 52.  We would talk practically on a daily basis.  Mostly about work, but not always.  She could always make me laugh.  If I had questions about anything she's the one I'd call.  No matter how busy she was she would always make time for anyone who needed her expertise.  Always a smile in her voice.  A hard worker.  Dedicated employee.  Great mom and grandma.  Some days it just overwhelms me how much I miss her.

Rest in peace, Peggy.