Thursday, August 30, 2012

Weddings.  Generally happy events planned months, sometimes years, in advance and attended by numerous family members and friends.  Unless you're my son, Brendan.

Brendan announced in July that he and his fiance, Roly Contreras, are getting married in August.  There's a back story, so let  me fill you in.

Brendan was introduced to Roly by one of his co-workers at Safeway.  Roly works in the dot com division of Safeway.  Which is outsourced.  To the Phillipines.  This means Roly lives and works in the Phillipines.  They meet via Skype, find they have a lot to talk about and are merrily Skyping at least once a week.  Brendan decides he needs to meet Roly in person so he takes a vacation to the Phillipines and meets her and her family.  He's smitten.

He came home with a bad bug from the Phillipines and was sick for weeks and I'm pretty sure it wasn't a love bug.

My sister, Lynne, and I meet Roly on Skype and we think she's adorable. (Lynne happened to be visiting me in OR when Brendan proposed a conference call on Skype)

Months later, Brendan returns to the Phillipines and they tour all over Asia (some great photos for scrapbooking!) and Brendan proposes.  She accepts.  Happiness all around!

Roly comes to the US to visit and meet his family (poor girl, she'll never be the same).  Originally, she was going to be here 5 wks but B couldn't stand the thought of her leaving so soon and since her tourist visa is good for 6 months, they decide to extend her visit.  HAH   Considering she was going to go back to the Phillipines at the end of June and they told me in July they were getting married, you can see not much water passed under THAT bridge.

They consulted an immigration attorney and she recommended they get married in order to extend her stay and start the process for immigration.  They planned to do a simple court ceremony just to make it legal, having me and Dorothy (the lady that introduced them) as witnesses and then plan a church wedding for next year for friends and family to attend.  They told me they were planning August 21 and would provide details later.  They (meaning B) wanted this to be quiet; no fuss, no bother.  I promised to not mention it to anyone.

Now, they come over almost every Sunday for dinner and a rousing game of crokinole (I know that makes some of you jealous!).  So one Sunday B says their lawyer told them they had to wait until September for the marriage.  Ok, I'm retired, I'm flexible.  I can do this.

The next Sunday they tell me that they don't have to wait after all, and the lawyer said the sooner the better, so they're back on for August.  It is here that our stories diverge.  Cal and I remember it as "we'll let you know what day it will be".  Brendan remembers it as "this is the day it will be".  He claims since Cal and I are old, his version is correct.  I beg to differ.  I didn't write anything on my calendar so I'm pretty darned sure I was waiting for a date.

Ok.  Fast forward to Monday, August 27.  Keep in mind that Brendan and Roly were at my house the night before for dinner and crokinole.  On Sunday night I got IM's from Stacey & Eric both (#1 son and DIL).  For both of them to ping me it had to be somewhat important.  It was after 11:00 when I responded so we didn't really connect until Monday.  Eric said he didn't know if B was being a smart aleck or what, but when he asked B to join a fantasy football game B responded "I can't on Tuesday.  I'm getting married".  I had hoped Brendan would have mentioned it to his brother before now (I'd promised not to say anything so I hadn't).  *sigh*  MEN

Anyway, I'm frantically trying to get ahold of Brendan or Roly because I had a hair appointment on Tuesday and had Eric not said something, I might not have been home!  Don't think I wouldn't have been p.o.'d to miss out on the marriage ceremony!

All's well that ends well.  I rescheduled my hair appointment, and as you can see by the photos, we successfully got them hitched and she's now permanently a part of our family.

Just to make sure it stays permanent, they'll be doing it again next year in the US and then again in the Phillipines for a traditional Filipino wedding.

We are blessed to have Roly as a part of our family and I can't wait to see the babies they make, because they are bound to be adorable, right?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Being retired is  ...   GREAT!  To have time to do what I want, within reason, with no time pressures and to get PAID for doing nothing.  What, I ask you, could be better?

     The getting paid part is problematical.

I applied for Medicare, since I'm of sound mind and certainly old enough.  I was going to delay my Social Security benefits until my full "retirement" age of 66.  Just another year, so doable.  The difference is about $100 a month, so I was going to wait.

Now picture this: on a Monday I apply for Medicare benefits online.  When completed, it says I will need to take some documents to my local office for verification - my birth certificate and my naturalization papers.  It basically says the sooner the better because a delay will hold up the processing of my application.

Being retired, with time to call my own, I decide to go to my local (Hayward) Social Security office the next day.  Which I do.  I patiently wait for my turn, which didn't take as long as I'd expected.  The nice young man tells me I should have waited until someone called me (say WHAT!) because he can't yet pull up my application.  It hasn't hit their system yet.  BUT, he will take photo copies of my documents and log that he's verified they were original documents and merrily send the copies on their way to the office that will process my application.  *sigh*  He then asks me why I'm applying only for Medicare and not my Social Security benefits.  I explain that my SS "retirement" age is 66, so I'm waiting.  Seriously, people .. when you read all their literature it sounds like the best thing to do is wait!  He "looks it up" and tells me that by NOT taking the $16,000 I'd get this year -- at the rate of $100 extra per month, it will take me 13 years to make it up.  Well, I don't need a degree to do the math.  I'll take my money now, please.

He recommends that when I get home I go online and apply for my Social Security benefits.  Which I do.  It won't let me.  Tells me the information I'm providing is different from what they have on file.  So now the phone calls begin.  Have you tried calling SS?  You can eventually get through, but you have to jump through some hoops to get a living human being.  I call.  They tell me to be patient; it's because the Medicare application is pending and once that's completed I can then apply for SS.  Fine.

On Sunday I check online for the status of my Medicare application.  It says it's pending but I'll probably have to take some documentation (yep, you guessed it -- my birth certificate and naturalization papers) to my local office in SAN JOSE!  Another call to SS but I called the local Hayward office.  These numbers are now in my speed dial.  They explain the San Jose office processes the Medicare applications and all is good.  They still have the copies of my documents and will fax them once more to the San Jose office to make sure they get them.

On Monday I get a call from a very nice lady at the San Jose office.  She explains that my Medicare application is being processed but they will need to verify some documents (guess which ones).  I told her my sad story of jumping the gun and taking the documents to Hayward the day after I filled out the online application.  She checks a few "systems" and doesn't find the documents but says there's one more she can check but she doesn't have access to it at the moment.  I love computer systems.  Especially mega systems like the government uses.  Systems that go back so many years who knows if everything is up-to-date?  I'm guessing not.

She promises to get back with me on Friday - she's waiting a few days to make sure the documents hit one of her "systems".  In the meantime, she says, I may want to take my documents BACK to Hayward because her "system" shows me as a permanent resident, not a naturalized citizen.  Are you kidding me??  I've been naturalized since November of 1959!!  She explains the Immigration and Naturalization computer system isn't integrated with Social Security so they wouldn't have that information.  But, I explain, when I applied for my social security card way back when, surely I must have had to prove my citizenship or legal residency at that time, and since I was a CITIZEN, that should have gone on my record.  Nope, it's showing me as a permanent resident.  Might want to get that updated.

So I'll be making another call to my local SS office to see WHY the nice young gentleman who helped me didn't notice this one little glitch while I was sitting there in the office with my documents in hand.

And they want to nationalize health care.  OMG