Friday, August 1, 2014

I have discovered a new vegetable that I like - Bok Choy. Who knew?

You need to understand that I have been cursed with horrible tastebuds. There are so many foods I dislike that I have been termed a "picky eater" all my life. I have in recent years come to the conclusion that it's not my fault -- it's the fault of my tastebuds.

I mean, would anyone seriously decide to dislike so many foods? I have a nephew-in-law who says you should just eat everything and decide to like it. Unfortunately, my tastebuds disagree. They cause a visceral reaction to foods they've determined unsuitable. As in employing the gag reflex. That is not a pleasant experience and especially so if you're in the presence of others. As a result, there are many vegetables that are on my DO NOT EAT list -- so I'm overjoyed when I can find something on which we (my tastebuds and I) can both agree.

On the plus side, since most legumes reside on my DO NOT EAT list, this has turned out to be a blessing. Most legumes are high in purine which is a contributing cause to bouts of gout (properly known as gouty arthritis). Since I am currently suffering through a flare-up of that condition, I can proudly state I will eat no legumes!!