Thursday, September 4, 2008

It's too hot in Dublin!

Shoot, I keep looking at the temps in Dublin and you can have them! The weather hear seriously turns on a dime. It was so cold just 3 nights ago that I actually closed all the windows in the house and turned on the heater for half an hour. Then the next day it was in the high 70's. No sweater, coat or jacket needed. It's supposed to warm up this weekend (which means low 80's) and you know how these Pacific Northwesterners hate that heat!! :)

Eric found a specialist in CO and flew there last week to meet with him. He had a workup done and has decided to have this doctor do his surgery. He's scheduled it for Oct 23 and they've asked me to come home the 29th (when they hope he'll be able to fly home) to help take care of him and hopefully enable the grandkids to have some normalcy. Stacey's sister, Jill, will be watching them the week Stacey's in CO with Eric. If he's not able to fly home that soon, then I'll fly to CO to help her there.

Cal's also scheduling cataract surgery sometime in November so it will be a busy winter for me. I don't know if I'll have any time left for the holidays this year, but that's alright. It may be 2009 before I'm able to get home to see any of the rest of you. Just think how happy you'll be to see me!

Heather's mom is visiting so I had dinner with them last weekend. They'd invited me to go sightseeing with them and I was going to ... but my legs and feet were really sore! On Saturday the ladies from work came over to scrap. Marletta and Debbie were the only ones who came. Audrey and Sandy had partied the night before and weren't up to it. :0 )

Marletta brought a KILLER spinach dip. OMIGOSH. Heart attack on a chip. She made it in a crockpot and asked if she could leave it here because they were heading out for vacation as soon as she got home. I sacrificed and said "sure!". I had enough to share with Heather's family, Gary, and Peggy. That stuff was GOOD. The others have no idea what they missed.

As for the album Marletta taught me to make, I love it! I'm making one about Ellie right now and I'm gathering Colin photos for the next one. It's the perfect size for all those miscellaneous pictures that you want to keep but may not be just right for an album. Or even better, it's good for those pictures that are special and you want to give them their own "space". If I can figure out a way to describe how to make it, I'll post it. So flippin' easy. You'll need 3 pieces of cardstock and 5 pieces of patterned paper. Let me know when you've got those gathered, and I'll go on to step 2.

I have to close early. I need to finish the book I'm reading so I can give it to Peggy. She's leaving for Austin early Saturday morning and I got her started on a series and this is the next book in the series.

We're doing the Siebel testing this week because the "train the trainers" classes start next week. I've been putting in a lot of hours this past week and we didn't even get to the other stuff Peg was supposed to be showing me! YIKES. Next Thursday starts my first 'on-call' week.

Carol and I were talking last night about the people we used to work with that have had life changing events since we've left. One lady lost her daughter; another lost her husband and 3 others have been diagnosed with cancer. One of those had surgery for colon cancer and we're hearing that it was successful in that it was all removed. Incredible.

You all have a great week and we'll chat again later.

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