Thursday, November 20, 2008

Eric's surgery

Eric's surgery was this morning. They started about 9:00 am PST and it took 4 hours. When Stacey called me they had moved him to recovery and the doctor said Eric had squeezed his hand so he was coming out of the anaesthesia.

The surgery went well. One of the tonsils (they're like a cartilage protrusion at the base of our skull) was completely blocking the opening, restricting the flow of cerebral spinal fluid. They removed a lot of bone and cauterized the tonsil on the right. He will be in recovery for a while before they move him to intensive care. They put some pins in to stabilize his head .. and he thought he had headaches before!!

I'll keep you posted as I hear more.

I'll be flying to Davis on Thanksgiving (I leave here at 6:30 pm) and stay with Eric and Stacey at least a week. More if they need me. I don't come back to Oregon until December 27. Don't ask ME how I pulled it off!! I'm just glad I was able to.

I'll check in again later ...

1 comment: said...

Thanks for the update, it good to know he came through the surgery ok.
A whole month off work, I don't think that's legal :)