Sunday, July 20, 2008

Birthday Bash - sort of

Lots to catch up on. On Thursday night we had our first Bunco gathering! What fun!! Gathered together 12 crazy ladies and spent the night getting to know one another and playing Bunco. Tami actually started the stupid thing (I did NOT say 'stupid') and she brought in 3 ladies who work with her. The rest are Farmers transplants so this gives us a chance to get together outside of work and reinforce the CA Support Group. :0 )

We decided instead of buying prizes, we would just play for $$. Money fits all sizes, right? In spite of 6 different categories for prizes, including most LOSSES, for heaven's sake, I still did not win anything.

Audrey was whining at first when I was going over the rules of play because she said it sounded too hard. If you've ever played Bunco, you know it's harder to explain than to play. Once we got started, she was all into it! We'll be playing once a month and rotating houses so everyone gets a chance to play hostess. It really was a lot of fun and everyone got along famously. We have a couple of sub's (Tami's daughter, Heaven, and Sandy Benson's daughter, Chelsea) already and had to make use of them the first night.

I took a vacation day on Friday because I wasn't feeling well. Let's just say I was "indisposed". I may have had a bug though because I kept falling asleep and I'd wake up all hot and sweaty, then I'd fall asleep again and wake up cold. Also woke up several times because the friggin' phone kept ringing. The security guards at work called at least 4 times. They were having phone issues and for some reason they have MY number so they called me. I finally told them I'm not in the office so please call Carlos. They felt bad, but I assured them it was no problem, I'm on duty 24/7.

I slept in Saturday ... what better way to start off celebrating getting older! I read in bed for several hours (pure indulgence) and then walked across the street to the mall to get my white roots touched up. I told her "LIGHT brown with caramel highlights". She did a really good job with the highlights but the brown is NOT light. I know it will fade after several washings but it startles me when I look at it. It's better than the red it had gone back to though. There are still red highlights when I'm in the sun, but I had those naturally (in the old days) so that doesn't bother me.

After my hair was done .. I really liked how she did my bangs, but why is it one can never duplicate what the hairdresser does???, Tami called and asked if I wanted to go with her to see The Dark Knight. Heck, yeah! There was a long line (who knew?) so we had to sit on the far right and sort of close to the screen but it was a good movie. NOT the Batman I grew up with in the comics, but the acting was great.

She wanted to take me to Rose's for a piece of cake afterward, but they were closed. Then we went looking for a Starbucks, but the one we found was also closed so we opted for Shari's. When we walked in they had the place all decorated with balloons and streamers so Tami said she'd called ahead and asked them to decorate for my birthday! LOL We shared that with our waitress and she said "oh, it's your birthday? Well, you get a free piece of pie then". GREAT! I had my favorite .. lemon meringue .. and we were all good. Tami and I joked that in future we'll go in on our birthdays and ask them to box up our piece of pie. Ok .. WE think we're funny!

Today (Sunday) Tami, Heather, Carol and I took the Max train to the airport. I wanted to see how long it takes (about 1.5 hr) and exactly where it drops one off. Practically at the front door! It really is a slick way to get to the airport. I'm going to fly home next weekend, just for the weekend .. coming in Friday night, leaving Sunday morning .. so taking the train in will be ideal. You can't beat the price .. it will be $1.75 to ride up to the airport, and $1.75 to ride back. This is a picture of Tami and Heather having fun on the train. :0)

We bought all day tickets for all lines, which includes bus travel and trolley too, I believe, and it was only $4.75. On the way home we stopped at the Sunday market which is pretty much a huge craft fair. Then we stopped at the "Sand in the City" display where they had sand carvings related to an organization called Kids on the Block that does free puppet shows for schools all around the area. These are 3 of my favorites. The back view shows it's the Moletel, the front view is the Whack a Mole game with a huge mallet and some moles popped up, and the 3rd one shows a mole diving into the ground with his butt in the air. Cute! That line running across him is just the shadow of the rope to keep people off the sand. I'll post some more pictures one of these days.

We found an indoor mall with a food court so we had something to eat and then rode the train back home. A really fun day!

OH! I found out the lilies were from Calvin. He just neglected to put his name on the order. I didn't suspect him at all because in 40 years he's given me flowers once or twice.

See? aren't they pretty? When they arrived they were mostly buds and you can see there are still 3 or 4 buds that haven't opened. If you're thinking the flowers are big, you're right. They're HUGE. Very fragrant and colorful. A nice surprise.

I had a lot of birthday wishes and I want to thank all of you for making my day so special! Even far away I felt loved. Thank you SO much. Getting older isn't so bad when you have friends and family to share it with.

It's way past my bedtime now so I've GOT to scoot. Hang tight and I'll write more next week, I'm sure.

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