Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Return to normalcy?

Is there such a thing as "normal"? This week has been going fairly well, I must say. AND there are no moves this weekend because of the holiday. So we all get 3 days off!! HUZZAH! Saturday is already a special day because my bed will be delivered. Ta DA! (or as Colin used to say, TA da)

We just had a brief but intense rainfall. The sun is out, it's barely overcast, 84 degrees outside and it starts to pour down HUGE raindrops. I LOVE IT! I told Cal (Yahoo Instant Messenger) that it wasn't enough to wash off my car and I need to find a carwash. He always washed my car at home. He said, and I quote, "maybe Heather can wash it when she checks your tire pressure". He's now trying to get out of it by saying he was kidding. The joke here is that I am completely clueless and uninterested when it comes to cars and their maintenance. Heather actually called Cal some time back and told him my tires were looking pretty low and he should check them. Thus the reference to her checking my tires. Now he's in trouble! Heather doesn't always read my blog, but I know Tami does!!

I got the cutest card from my sister Carol. Welcome to your new home .. and it's handmade. It has some metal elements that I'll just keep for my own scrapbooking. :) Who knows where it will end up next?

Carol is visiting CA this week. I'm hoping when she's ready to drive back home she'll be willing to stop by my house and pick up the things I left in Brendan's trunk. I think my missing Daytimer calendar pages are in that pile of stuff. I also need the clock that Justin Barber gave me. OH! I forgot to tell you about that.

I had to post this before I finished because we've been having wireless problems with our internet connection. I've been piggybacking on someone else's network. Gary just had me switch to ours because he discovered that the connection into the modem was loose. Oops!

Anyway, back to Justin Barber. When I was there for our last day in Pleasanton (more on that in future posts) I went to say good-bye to Justin. As our current Toasmaster president, he and I worked together quite a bit on club business. AND he has the same first name as my youngest, they're around the same age and both graduated from SF State. Anyway, he handed me this sweet little pink bag and said "this is for you". For ME??? Awwww, shucks. Inside was this absolutely adorable pink ceramic clock, about 2" wide and 3" high, in the shape of a telephone!! Since I was known around the office as the Phone Queen it was so perfect! He said his mom owns a gift shop in Walnut Creek and he'd gone it to say hello and this caught his eye so he told her he had to get it because he knew just the person to give it to. I really love it and want to put it in my office but being me ... I put it in the trunk of Brendan's car with all the other last minute stuff I was clearing out of the office. It will be like getting for the first time all over again! We have no clocks in our office and I was just telling Carlos today that in spite of having the time on our computers and our phones I still want a clock. Problem solved! Thanks, Justin!

Work is slowing down and I actually have a 3 day weekend. WOO HOO!! I am so going to relax. I debated about going home for the weekend but that wouldn't be very restful and the one thing I need right now is some down time. I'm hoping to schedule a week around Labor Day. I'll ask Adrian tomorrow and see what he says.

I'm looking at my temperature windows on my desktop and it says Dublin and Hillsboro are both 80 degrees. I bet this 80 degrees is cooler than that 80 degrees! So weird. I would swear that 95 feels hotter here (maybe that was pre-air conditioning) but right now there's a decent breeze and it's actually a cool breeze. I have my window wide open and the a/c is off. I do have the ceiling fan going though, just to move the air around.

I'm going to close now and enjoy this restful period. Birds are chirping outside, the breeze is blowing and it's still bright out. At 8:04 pm. Huh. You all take care and stay tuned!

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