Wednesday, January 21, 2009

so long...but not goodbye!

I've not gone the route of New Year's resolutions this year, but I have made a to-do list of all the things I keep putting off and I'm trying to tackle at least one task each week. Number one on the list was to get my laptop fixed. My wireless card stopped working!! Just stopped--right in the middle of cruising through the internet. This was about 2 months ago. It wasn't a huge issue at the time because I'm plugged in directly to the cable modem.and BUT this week Cal surprised me with a printer/scanner/copier/fax machine that is WIRELESS! How cool is that .. if only my wireless card on my computer was working.

When I was home for the holidays, Justin said he had the same problem with his laptop (and we have the same brand) and it's a known issue for certain models. If mine is on the list, it's a free repair. Mine is on the list. I called this week and had to run through some trouble-shooting tests to prove that yes, indeed, my wireless card is NOT being recognized by the computer. No duh! I told them that when I first called!!

Well, they've sent me a box with all the packing materials so I can ship it off to the repair facility in TN, where they will replace my motherboard. I completed a backup this evening and I'm about to disconnect. Yes, I can feel the trembling starting in my fingertips. I believe I'm having the beginning of withdrawal symptoms.

As I sit here trying to play on your sympathy (do I hear any AWWWW's??) I must confess that I may be able to bring my work laptop home and as long as I don't connect through VPN I may be able to get on most web sites. We'll see. There are some things I won't be able to do because I don't have admin rights for that computer so I can't download anything or upload any pictures. But I can live with that ... I think.

If not .. hang tight and cross your fingers for an efficient repair and a swift return delivery! Until then, behave yourselves.

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