Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sticker shock!

Yesterday I HAD to get gas in my automobile. Costco is on the way home if I go the roundabout way so off to Costco I went. The lines weren't too bad, and besides ... I had my book to listen to on my Zen (Janet Evanovich's "Motor Mouth") so Ididn't mind waiting. Had the attendant fill 'er up ... still trying to adjust to sitting in the car while I get waited on hand and foot. Okay, just hand. They don't do windows.

It wasn't until much later at home that I pulled the receipt out of my purse and glanced at it. Had to look again. Then once more. Surely there's some mistake?? How many gallons did I get, anyway? 8.317 Huh. And the total price was only $14.30! Say what?!! It wasn't that long ago that I paid as much as $30 for the same tank of gas. Wowza.

So with the money I saved on gas, Carol and I went to Baja Fresh in Beaverton (or Tigard .. never quite sure where one ends and the other begins) and after dinner we joined a group of ladies for an evening of making cards. The kind you mail to people. Had a lot of laughs and came home with 3 cards and a bookmark for $7.

Had a call from Linda Wrenn, a long-time friend who moved to Colorado too many years ago. Her husband Larry has business in Portland and Seattle so she's coming with him. He'll drop her off here on the Monday and pick her up on the following Saturday! We'll have a full week to play and catch up on 'stuff'.

This came on top of the call I had earlier in the week from my friend and fellow crocherer (that's how they pronounce it in Australia) Jenny King. There's a Knit and Crochet Show in Portland May 15-17. She's going to be here for that -- probably teaching at it as well -- so we'll be able to spend some quality time together. She'll be in Dallas, TX the prior week for a fiber show but that won't be nearly as much fun.

This is all so exciting! Maybe 2009 is the year for visitors to Portland. That would be cool. I have 34 vacation days this year so I might as well put them to good use. Ok, sure. Those of you who can't make it up here probably think I should use some of them to come home once in awhile. I will!

I have just enough time to sneak in one episode of Dead Like Me before it's time to hit the hay, so I'll talk with you later!

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