Saturday, May 3, 2008

Day 2 ... the adventure continues

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Day 2 isn't nearly as interesting as day 1. Thank goodness!!

I finally got to eat. Remember the complimentary breakfast? I had a mini omelette (already prepared -- with some kind of cheese sauce inside), a bowl of hot oatmeal (yum!), some cottage cheese and a small blueberry muffin. And 4 oz of milk. I even took a Nutri-Grain bar for later. One never knows when one will be without food!

I've spent the majority of the day shadowing Peggy Lyle. We were waiting for my laptop to get imaged and kept checking the mailroom for my purse, which Cal FedEx'd overnight. The cell phone Pat Winnie sent arrived (thanks Pat!) but no purse. Fortunately, the credit union is onsite so I went in and took out some much needed cash. He asked for my ID (yeah, right) and Peggy was just about to say she'd vouch for me when he asked my mother's maiden name. I told him and he said one else would know that. :0 ) I now have $25 dollars to spend. Woo hoo!

Adrian took us all out to lunch at Rudy's BBQ, which was really good! I had extra lean brisket and coleslaw. Adrian shared his creamed corn which was pretty darned good. The serving plates are white butcher paper. They put your meat order on more of the paper and throw in some bread slices so you can make a sandwich. Very rustic. Fun.

Spent most of the day going outside with Peggy and Donna while they smoked and occasionally Adrian joined us. I'm so glad I don't do that. Also got a tour of the building and spoke with a few of the management types and other people I'll be working with in my new position. Spoke with one of the girls in Resource Planning (?), Resource Management (?) .. I don't remember what it's called .. but they're the ones who monitor what everyone is doing and keep track of the yellow and red alerts. There are 3 or 4 people who do that all day.

Oh! I saw Judith Miller from UW!! What a pleasant surprise. Big hugs and how are you's but no time to talk. Didn't see Mary or Don Powell.

Another big surprise. Lynda and Barb you'll love this. Peggy pulls up her Sametime window and I said "OH! Tom Bunn! I just love him." She said ... very quietly ... he's my brother. She wasn't kidding! That was a real shocker. We talked at some length about what a jerk he can be and such a pain in the neck, but I told her I grew to respect the knowledge he has; just didn't like his teaching methods all the time.

Left work about 5:00 after Peggy put about 2 dozen different links I'll need once I get going. Keep all your fingers and toes crossed for me to get through this first year relatively unscathed.

Once I got back to the hotel, they were having complimentary dinner. Sandwich makings and potato chips. I certainly got enough to eat today!

Now I'm trying to read the booklet for my new cell phone to figure out how it works. Another number to memorize.

Cal sent me the FedEx tracking number and it shows the box arrived at their Austin distribution center at 5:59 this morning. Now cross all those fingers and toes again because tomorrow I've got to find out what happened to that package! It has all my extremely important STUFF!! This is almost as bad as having my purse stolen. Kinda scary.

Okay. My computer says it's 8:07 pm but my cell phone says its 10:07. I'm going to bed to read for awhile and get psyched up for another day. I hope I start learning something tomorrow because time is running short!!

TTFN and here's hoping day 3 is productive. Or at least less boring. :0 )

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