Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

So many things to tell you and so little time.

1) I think I mentioned that I have a weather blip on my desktop for Dublin, CA and one for Hillsboro, OR. It's kind of fun because it updates the forecast throughout the day and when it's nighttime, it shows a dark gray background with a moon. At 8:30pm Dublin was already mooning (LOL) and Hillsboro was still showing a sun! It stays light longer up here.

2) You know how when you travel or move anything the locals do that's different from the way it's done at "home" is wierd? Let me tell you about a few of my "only in Oregon" experiences. First of all, in the Portland airport restroom: this is just plain WIERD. There are instructions for flushing the toilet. Pull the handle up for liquids, down for solids.

Yesterday I took the entire day off as a day of rest. Sure, I had errands to run, but the couch potato in me was crying to get out!! It has been at least a month since I've been able to lapse into my vegetative state so I was well overdue. I turned on an audio book in the kitchen (using my Bose iPod speaker ... thanks E & S!) and tidied up, did dishes and organized. Sounds like work but when you're listening to a book, it doesn't feel like work.

I went upstairs and downloaded an audio book from the public library (new author and I really like the book) and listened to it while I unpacked another box and tried to get my room a little more organized. Again, with a book, it doesn't seem like work.

Then I went downstairs, revised my list for the 5 different stores I need to visit and turned on TV to watch marathon movies on Lifetime. A GREAT day.

Tami called and asked if I wanted to go to the farmers market with them tomorrow (which was today). Since I'd already blown Saturday I really needed to do some shopping Sunday so I asked if we'd be long ... I really can't go much longer without a blow dryer. She said I should know that Heather is not a Looky Lou so it will be a look quickly and go situation. No problem!

Fair warning. Should they ever invite you on an excursion, get complete and thorough details before you commit.

I got to their house about 9:30 and we headed out. I want it known we were still in Hillsboro when I mentioned that Hillsboro is a lot bigger than Dublin. Besides, the miles here are much longer, as I've already stated. We had been driving for about 45 minutes (maybe less) when I asked just where this farmers market is located. I thought it was in Hillsboro (wore a light jacket) but oh no! It's in ASTORIA, for cryin' out loud.

On the way there, we saw a sign that said "drinking water - rt 1/4 mi" That's wierd says I. Tami got all excited and said, oh let's stop! Sure enough there at the side of the road is what looks like a drinking fountain. It's actually a natural spring and people stop there and fill up bottles of varying sizes and types. Tami even dumped out her bottle of spring water (only in Oregon) and filled it up with -- spring water! Granted, this water is ice cold, but it didn't taste any different to me, although Tami insists it's the BEST water in the world. Maybe it's the thrill of filling it up yourself.

Entering the town of Seaside (we're near the OR coast) there's another sign that says "entering tsunami hazard zone" Now that's something you don't see every day! I'll tell you, I sure breathed a sigh of relief when about 2 miles later we came across the sign that said "leaving tsunami hazard zone". Again, only in Oregon.

There was another roadside sign that I found amusing. It said something to the effect that the hills block the view. We're driving in mountainous terrain. Of course, the hills block your view. I'm guessing the sign is for the Oregonians who might not realize the reason they can't see beyond the hills is because the hills are blocking their view! Alright, I know there must be a valid reason for the sign, but I was so busy laughing about it I couldn't see what it might be.

On the way I got a phone call from Eric wishing me a happy mother's day. Did a quick hello with the grandkids. Colin, sounding all grown up, wished me a happy mother's day and said he was giving his mom a good day too. Then Ellie got on and said "hi, Nana! Whatcha' doin?" I told her we were going to the farmers market to buy some vegetables. "OH! ok, bye". A minute later she wanted to talk to me again, and repeated the same script word for word. We did this 3 or 4 times. I think she'd fit right in up here. LOL

When we go to the "farmers market" it wasn't really a farmers market at all. It was a street fair. Only one or two booths out of the 50 or so had vegetables. We cruised all the booths and called ahead to the Camp 18 restaurant (I think that's the right name) and made reservations for 4:00.

We had some time to kill so we went to the aquarium. Tami fed fish to the sea lions and Dave (her son) figured out how to make one of them roll over. Cute! There were 35 (or so the sign said) fish tanks but really ... this was nothing like the aquarium in Maui. And they charge $7 per person! We got the family rate so it was more like $4.25 each. We still had some time to spare so we stopped at an outlet mall (they had a bookstore --- but I didn't buy any books!) for a bit.

It did rain today. So strange. It rained only while we were in the car. Every time we got out to do something, it stopped raining. Very cooperative! I was wishing I'd thought to bring the rain hat Barb gave me, but I didn't need it. I am going to pack it in my purse though.

Lunch at the restaurant was good. Our waiter was a cute kid and very friendly. We asked what he was doing for his mom (she lives in AK) and he wished us all a happy mother's day. The restaurant is very rustic. All mismatched tables and chairs. Supposedly like a logging camp. I didn't read the history of the site but it may have been a logging camp at one time.

A long day but we still got back in time for me to run to Target and pick up a few more essentials. I needed a lidded skillet to fix dinner and I bought a step stool and a bathroom scale. It's too easy to get off track if I don't have something to remind me where I am and where I'm going.

I got a really cute ecard from Justin that had my picture all over it! Thanks Justin! I think I told you yesterday about the cards from Eric and Stacey and the kids. Yep, Brendan, now is the time for you to feel guilty.

My apologies to Brendan! He sent an email to my Comcast email saying Happy Mother's Day to the best mom he ever had. Lucky thing my sister Joan left a comment on one of my postings here to check my email. Just so you guys know, I hardly ever check my Comcast email addy. I'm on Yahoo all the time. So if you write me and I haven't answered, you may be using that email address. I'm not really ignoring you (or maybe I am!) Joan, I'll get that check out right away, thank you.

Well, it's 9:42 and I need to throw a load of clothes in the washer and start getting ready for bed. Enough rambling for today. You take care and start thinking about when you're going to come up for a visit. I'll need advance notice so I can arrange a day or two off work. My niece, Amber, is coming through on the 24th and I'm looking forward to seeing her.

Okay, that's it! No more rambling. I've got a book to listen to and chores to do. I'll talk to you later. Take care ...


Barb said...

I just got caught up on the series, Bloschies Blog.....the saga continues! When are you going to slow down, my friend?!? You don't have to do it all in a week, you know! ASTORIA????? My goodness. I hope you brought back something with you....fruits, veggies, indigestion?

Anonymous said...

What happened to the sticker? The sticker was the best part of the trip. Heather would say it was Bill Dodge but neither made the story, what happened?

Anyone reading Sharon's Adventures,
She was told way in advance we were going to Astoria on Mother's day for the openning day of the marked. It was Sharon who said "count me in". Come on Carol back us up on this. You were here and heard the whole thing. So lets not be to quick with the poor Sharon was kidnapped.