Friday, May 2, 2008

If it's Wednesday, I Must Be in Kansas ...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Middle of the week. What have I accomplished? Nothing! I can hear Todd saying 'so what's new?'

Rusty was really busy today with phone issues that were beyond my understanding so I spent most of the day working on my VCU class .. learning about VoIP, supposedly. Thank goodness I can print it all out. I'll have to read it a dozen times to make any sense out of it. Jaime finished it in an hour and totally gets it. Whatever.

The few times Rusty had me work on something (adding a user or removing a user) it seemed there was always a problem. Peggy made sure I could log in to each system before I left TX, but to no avail. And of course, they each do things differently. She logs on this way ... Rusty does it another way. Her way doesn't work because she'd created a shortcut on their system that won't work on his system. Yeah, let's confuse the new kid!

I was telling Wade, who's been here 5 mos, that he's no longer the new kid on the block but he graciously reminded me that his counterpart for OR, Carlos, starts next week, so I won't be the new kid either!! YAYYY

I can see why Adrian felt it important that the new person be able to integrate well with his team. They're all a bunch of smart alecks and jokesters. Hmmmm...

I stopped at Starbucks on the way "home". AnnaMarie, I thought of you. They have a drive-through! My vente chai tea latte is $4.52 here and I swear it's only $3.60 at home. Sheesh

Oh, Heather, I keep forgetting to tell you. I searched for a country station on the radio and it's the Wolf. Seriously. Same wolf howl and everything. Different DJ's of course, but still.

It was starting to rain when I left Starbucks. Not heavy, but BIG drops. Barb, I should have packed that rain poncho. You knew I'd need it for OR, but no one told me I'd need it here. They're predicting heavy rains tonight with possible thunder storms. If it's anything like the last storm, I'm going to video again and this time remember to save it! Reminds me, I'd better charge my phones.

Okay, I'm back.

I was instant messaging a friend in home office (Shawn Arshad) and gave him my new cell phone number. The doofus called me "just to make sure I gave him the right number" or so he said. Well, no one has called me on this phone so I didn't know how the ringer would sound. I have it buried in the bottom of my side pocket on my purse because I have no holster for it. I hear a cell phone ringing and I'm looking around because no one is answering it! Turned out to be me. duh

I had someone at the service center take me off their email distribution list *sigh* and AnnaMarie told me she took me off hers too. That got me all choked up. Cutting the ties. My only consolation, if it can be called a consolation is that after May there won't be any distribution lists to be taken off.

I'm so clever it scares me. I was going to buy some paper bowls to eat my cereal, but I decided to get the Ziplock plastic ones with lids instead. This morning I took my cereal in a bowl and took a single serving container of soy milk, and voila!! Breakfast for break time. I didn't even bother with the breakfast they serve here.

Service Points apparently have food vendors come in 3 days a week and today was a guy who serves beef brisket. Rusty convinced me that it's pretty good. It was great! I had 1/2 beef brisket (must have been done in a crock pot, it was that good) and 1/2 turkey. I think the buns were homemade. They looked like small hamburger buns but they were so fresh and not like store-bought. Got a side of potato salad (minimal onion, so edible) and tossed green salad. All that for $6!

I just accidentally deleted half my letter. So now you're going to miss all the best parts! LOL

I keep comparing the two hotels and even though this one has the better internet access (got through an entire movie last night without it once stopping on me) the towels are small and scratchy, I can hear the people talking in the next room and when they shower, forget about it. I heard no one at the other hotel. They're remodeling this place and I noticed the door is crooked and there's a large gap on the side. Seems kind of flimsy too. And the sink! Yikes. It's like a granite desk top with 4 legs (curved legs, so they're pretty) that happens to have a sink in the middle of it. There's one shelf underneath and that's where they store the extra towels. Not much room for your personal items ... except on the top! No drawers. And the middle of this thing bows out .. again, very pretty, but not practical. When rinsing one's face, it's very awkward and uncomfortable trying to get close to the faucet.

I'm going to watch another Netflix movie .. oh hey! It's raining!! Those are some big raindrops! I opened the window so I can listen to it.

You all behave yourselves and we'll chat again tomorrow. (I'm expecting at least 3 of you to write and ask me to take you off this list ... you're getting tired of my ramblings, aren't you!) Just for the record, none of my boys will be removed, I don't care how much you beg.


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