Friday, May 2, 2008

Is it Thursday?

Thursday, April 24, 2008

This week is really dragging. Last week flew past because we spent so little time that was actually job-related, or so it seemed. Peggy and I did go out on the floor and I got to punch down a few lines but it felt like most of our time was spent outside, smoking.

I mentioned this hotel has paper-thin walls? I woke up this morning around 3:30 and I could hear some low mumbling. The people to the right of me had their TV on. Then, when I was in the bathroom getting ready (putting rollers in my hair) the guy to the left of me sneezed and I really wanted to say "bless you".

I noticed last night on the map that Avis gave me that I'm about 6" from Williamsburg, Iowa. That's where my sister, Carol, lives! Had I been here last week I might have been able to fly up there for a day because I had the entire weekend free. But I fly home on Saturday morning. So near and yet so far.

Today went a little faster than yesterday. Probably because I spent some of my time instant messaging people (you know who you are). At one point I had 3 conversations going! woo hoo

By the way, the thunder storm last night was just a regular CA type of storm. Not nearly as thrillling as the last one. Some good lightning flashes, and some thunder, lots of heavy rain, but no thrill. I had to put a towel on top of the air conditioner, which is right under the window, because the rain was coming in and making a little puddle. :)

I was working on filing my travel expenses so I can get reimbursed and I'd left one of the receipts back at the hotel. I decided to go back to the hotel at lunch time. Gotta get those receipts turned in!! So, for lunch I ran to Target to pick up another mini pizza ... but all they had was pepperoni. I wound up with a very salty, nasty hot dog and a Chai tea latte. For some reason the tea seemed only half full. I think he did so much froth (whip?) that by the time all the bubbles burst I was left with no tea. So...all you Starbucks speakers out I order it with no froth???

Hal spent about an hour and a half giving me a basic rundown on how Genesys and Siebel work with the PBX. He's very full of himself, but a good teacher. Said he taught college for 4 years and was a trainer for several. The guy's only 35 (tomorrow) but knows his stuff. He also loaned me a book from a class he took, "Telecommunications Fundamentals 1". Even though he's been doing what he does for umpteen years, they still wanted him to take this class. Now I'll get some benefit from it! He has another college level text that goes into more depth when I'm done with this one. If nothing else, it might teach me some of the terminology.

Hal is also seriously in the running for my favorite telecom person. He said his fiance is taking him to dinner for his birthday, which is how I learned his birthday is tomorrow and he's 35. I groaned and said my YOUNGEST is 30 (well, Justin, you will be this year!) and he said he'd guessed that I was 42. I laughed and said I know he's lieing through his teeth, but isn't he sweet. So he said, really he figured about 52 because he knows I've been with the company 20 some years. When I said I'm 60 he seemed sincere when he claimed he'd never have guessed that. And now he's really impressed that I'm willing to learn something new when most people my age are just thinking of retiring. Of course, that's just the people who can AFFORD to retire!! But that'll be our little secret.

On my way home tonight I noticed that across the street I have a Wendy's, Long John Silver's and Panda Express. AND (you have to realize I can't see anything from my window because I look out over the canopy that's over the entrance) practically in our parking lot is a McDonald's! I guess I'll go all out tonight and run to Micky D's for dinner. Tomorrow will definitely be a Panda Express night.

The sky is still overcast -- I love it! I haven't watched much TV so don't know what the weather prediction is. As long as I get where I'm going between rains (no umbrella, no hat, nothing), I'll be fine.

I know this is rather short tonight but there's really nothing going on and I don't want to bore you too much. OH! I seriously had to laugh. Yesterday I said I expected 3 of you to write and say take me off the list ... nope! FOUR of you wrote and said DO NOT remove me! I actually laughed out loud. None of my boys ventured to ask because they know it will fall on deaf ears. It's their "reward" for having me as a mom.

Alrighty then. I'm off to McDonalds and maybe another Starbucks run (no froth??). Should I pick up a cupcake for Hal's birthday??? Make points ... don't make points. It would certainly make points with the other group!! Donna wrote me a really nice note about how much she enjoyed meeting me and ended it with "the next time you're in Austin, don't forget to bring food!"

You all get a good night's sleep and I'll be seeing some of you soon. Some of you even sooner than others!

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