Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Still going, like the Ever Ready bunny

Shoot, I haven't posted since the 15th and only one person has berated me for not keeping you updated. That makes me think the rest of you have already stopped reading. Well, fine. I'll keep on anyway because it's becoming my personal journal. Well, not 'becoming' because that's really what it was all along. I've just let you nosy folks read it.

Tami yelled at me (yes, yelled!) for not reading my comments on the blogs, so I just did that. Omigosh! they are great! I laughed and smiled and miss all of you so much. The comments make me want to keep going, so you're stuck with me. Woe is you. And Tami? I don't remember the sticker associated with the trip to Astoria ...

It has been nearly two weeks since my last posting and I don't remember everything I've been doing. Heather can vouch for me that I've lost at least one day each week. I keep thinking it's Wednesday and she'll say NO, it's Thursday. Which can be a good thing!

Two weeks ago I got sick. I mean, hanging my head over the bowl sick. It was so bad I was lying on the bathroom floor. After about an hour I dragged myself to bed and was fine the next day. I'm sure it's something I ate. If only I knew what it was!! It made me think of Lynda LaMagra. I still remember when she got sick on chicken enchiladas and wouldn't eat them again. At the time I thought that was so weird. Turns out she's not the only one with that affliction. That's never been an issue for me. Ok, this is waaay too much talk about this subject!

Work has been slow .. for me. I did spend last week creating a floor plan (most of you know how much I love my Visio floor plans!) with all the phone numbers that are out on the floor. The other half of the building was being 'built' last week .. putting up all the work stations. This week Avaya is putting out the phones on that side. I'm supposed to be getting a seating chart from the Tigard office so I can match people with their new phone numbers. We were supposed to have it last Friday. Still waiting.

Carlos is very busy and he's very good about showing me what he's doing and explaining everything in detail so I'll have an understanding of the process. I'm still trying to get the terminology, because what I think of as pilot number they call a VDN, and what I called a routing table they call a vector. We both use the term hunt group but it doesn't have the same meaning. I'll get it ... eventually.

My niece, Amber, came by on Saturday. She and her fiance, Steve, are my first official visitors! It was supposed to rain all weekend but we had beautiful weather that day. Blue skies, sun shining and a nice balmy 74 degrees. They did a quick tour of the apartment ... quick because it's not that big! and I pointed out the 30 steps. My sister, Joan, commented that she's been doing 3rd floor for years .. but keep in mind that she's not 70 lbs overweight!!

Steve noticed the restaurant that's on the corner across from us ... Buffalo Wild Wings ... mentioned he loves buffalo wings. I told him that I ate there last week with Heather, Tami, Dave and Heaven and Heaven LOVES hot sauce. In fact, the hotter the better. She ordered her wings with their hottest sauce (called Blazin') and she actually broke out in a sweat. Well, he got excited about that so we went there for lunch. He had 6 wings with Blazin' sauce and 6 with Asian BBQ. He claims the Blazin' was somewhat diluted and he wished he'd asked for some on the side. So we now know he's a little tetched in the head. Heck, I can hardly handle the mild!

They didn't stay long because they are on a 2 week vacation and have sights to see and people to visit and fun to be had. After they left I realized I'd not taken any pictures (Stacey where are you when I need you??) and still had a ton of stuff to ask them and get caught up on. Amber said they come this way pretty often so I hope she'll stop in again.

I spent Sunday mostly in bed listening to a book on CD, crocheting, and napping. Pure heaven! I love being a couch potato!

On Monday, Heaven met me at JoAnn's fabrics and I bought some polar fleece to make blankets for Colin and Ellie. They're easy to make but they do require some time and effort. I got Colin's done, thanks in large part to Heaven's assistance, and tonight I'm pinning and marking Ellie's. I hope to get all the ends cut so tomorrow all I have to do is tie it and I'll be done. I don'tknow how I'm going to fit them in my suitcase because they're pretty big but OH SO WARM. Yes, I realize it's summer...but it won't be summer forever. And these will be like having hugs from Nana.

I did take some time last week to check out a few stores in the area. There are stores EVERYWHERE. I went to Michaels, where I happened to come across some yarn ... be quiet Brendan. I also bought some baskets for my bathroom to store all my stuff under the sink. Then I drove to a store called Craft Mart and they have some pretty cool things there, but I didn't buy anything. I am really impressed with the JoAnn's here because the one in Dublin is kind of trashy. This one is HUGE and they have a lot of selection in so many different crafts. All I bought is the blanket fleece though. yay me

I haven't quite emptied out Carol's room and I'm running out of time. I'll probably have to just dump the stuff in my room or I'll never get Ellie's blanket done. There really isn't that much, it's just hard trying to decide where to put it because there is NO STORAGE here.

Oh! Before I forget I want to tell you guys about a cool web site that Heaven shared with me. This is for all you book readers. It's www.paperbackswap.com and that's what it's about. Swapping books! Right now it's free although they tell you they may have to charge $10 to $20 yr sometime in the future. You post the books that you're able to swap ... they must be in very good condition ... and when you've posted 10 books you get two credits, which means you can 'order' two books. When someone requests one of the books you've posted, you have so many days to ship it to them (you pay shipping) and when they receive it, you get another credit. When you order a book from someone, they pay to ship it to you. And so it goes. They even have printable book wrap (prints on 2 pages) that apparently includes the requestor's mailing address. Average shipping costs are a little over $2 for a paperback that's under 13 oz. If you sign up, be sure to say you were referred by crochetin@yahoo.com. :0 )

It's getting late and I need to go work on Miss Ellie's blanket some more. My hand was getting sore from the scissors but I think it's okay now. You all behave yourselves and I'll be seeing a good lot of you this Friday.

Until next time ....

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