Saturday, May 3, 2008

Saturday -- one last day

Here's a tip for you. You know, as I think about it, I should start charging for my services. You are all learning a great deal from my screw-ups. I hope you learn the lessons well and don't walk down the dark path I seem to tread.

On to the lesson. When you are moving, especially when you have movers taking your "stuff", be sure to keep out a few days worth of clothes. It can be a bit of a shock to wake up in the morning, open your closet door and find it empty! I didn't have them pack my "personal items" so that wasn't an issue. But hey! Clothes come in handy! Fortunately, being the unorganized laggard that I am, I have clothes in the laundry still so it's not an issue. But a lesson for you nonetheless!

A final day of going through all the stuff left behind and deciding what I absolutely have to take with me. Making sure I have all my chargers/cords/plugs. The Aero bed, pillows, blankets!! Oh, don't forget the blankets!

Went to the salon for another hair 'treatment'. Much less red in the hair this time. I look like me again! Hello, me!

Carol and I met at work to load some stuff on to her son's truck for the trek north. I finished packing all my work cra..uh, stuff. Five more boxes. I can hear Pat W now. I couldn't have less boxes than Heather now, could I. I even brought two home. More stuff to go through when I'm here on extended weekends.

Back to packing. Tomorrow will be an early day.

Until next time.

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