Thursday, May 15, 2008

Settling in

So -- have you missed me? I've been busy over the past several days. Mostly running errands. Which I hate, by the way.

I FINALLY got a toaster! I used a gift card (thanks Christine) to buy it and since there will be 3 of us, I really splurged and bought a 4 slot toaster. Woo hoo! Toasters are handy things to have, you know. As are kitchen utensils like spatulas, stirring spoons, whisks, etc. I find a small ceramic vase with about 10 utensils for $7 or $8. Granted, the utensils are almost doll-sized but I can still use them (and have!)

I also bought a step stool so I could plug in the other light on my armoire. Every time I put something in my cart I think "how hard/easy will this be to get up the stairs?" That's a very important criteria, let me tell you. (30 steps to the top floor)

I used my egift card for Target (thanks Eric and Stacey) to buy a 3 drawer chest. Now that will be a real challenge. It's being delivered between the 20th and the 22nd and you know the darned thing will be heavy. Since I won't be home, they'll leave it at the leasing office. Not only do I have to figure out how to get it up the stairs, but how the heck will I get it from the leasing office to my apartment? I'm sure we'll figure something out.

I've already pretty much decided that for the chest, I'll open the box downstairs and haul the pieces up and put it together up there. When I leave, I'll have movers move it.

Tonight I want to go to Target and buy the matching nightstand. They had it in the store and the clerk said they'll load it on a flatbed for me. It shouldn't be as heavy as the chest so I think I can manage it on my own. My poor cardboard box nightstand is starting to sag in the middle. Time for an upgrade.

Yesterday was Carlos' birthday so I made some lemon squares. He'd never had them before. He really liked them and I had to burst the bubble and confess it was a box mix. Just add water and eggs. Whatever. With limited resources one does what one can.

I've been bringing my lunch the past few days even though we're not supposed to have food in the building (don't tell on me) -- the construction guys are eating in here all the time. I keep everything in my drawer just in case someone should come in.

I decided to run to the library at lunch today and was pleasantly surprised to find that it's very close to work! How cool is that! I had put in a request for a book online and they let me know that it was ready. I picked it up and have already started reading it. I know what you're thinking. With all the books I brought, why would I get a book from the library? Well, this particular author has written a series of books and I didn't have #3 in the series. I don't want to read #4 until I've read #3 .. see?

Thank goodness it's payday. Now I can pay my Comcast bill and get my nightstand. I may not be able to eat next week, but hey! that can't hurt!! (just kidding-I bought a large pack of chicken so I'll be fine)

Tomorrow Carlos and I have to go to Tigard for a conference call and then we're having a meet 'n greet because Adrian wants us to meet the department heads that we'll be working with. Gotta shine my shoes and spruce up my hair. I'm glad it wasn't today because I'm definitely having a BHD (bad hair day)

It's really warm today and I miss the clouds. There's no air conditioning in the building so we're really feeling it. What a whiney baby, huh.

I have more errands to run after work and the days are just dragging because there's not a lot for us to do just yet. It will all pick up next week, or so they tell me. In the meantime I'm falling asleep here.

I need to find the post office. I found one that is really close to our place but the darned thing is just a distribution center and they don't take mail over the counter or sell supplies. Shoot! So the hunt is on. Oh, I know you think all I have to do is look it up. Everything I look up just gives me phone numbers or they're businesses that do postal services. Whatever.

Wish me luck and hang in there until next time.


Tami said...

I have a great idea, you let Heather and I swim in your pool and I will let Dave move all your heavy stuff up the stairs. : }

Anonymous said...

If you still have big stuff to move on the 24th when we drive through there... we can help!.
If we don't see you on the way there, we'll be back through Portland two weeks after.
Oh and... people in Oregon are strange :).
-Your wonderful niece, Amber

Unknown said...

Get a grip. This is from your older sister....I have lived with 3 flights of stairs since before dirti and moved 25# bags of carrots, plasma tv, 30# of cat litter, blah blah and much more by myself.

This teaches you so much missy! You so can do it eh?

AND where the heck have you been. No news since the 15th?

Are you so busy running up and down the stairs you don't have time to blog?

Luv you
